How do I use my Arena Theater Membership Card?
Membership entitles you to a $2 discount on first run movies, free popcorn passes, and our Member’s Rewards Card: Buy 10 movie tickets and your 11th ticket is free. More importantly, you will receive the good feeling that comes from supporting and helping to sustain an important community resource. We could not keep the theater’s doors open without community support. Please consider introducing your friends to the Arena Theater and encouraging them to become members, too. Visit here to become an Arena Theater member.
Do you rent the Arena Theater for private events?
Yes, we do. More information about renting the Arena Theater can be found here. You can also call our business office for details, 707 882-3272.
I have a great band that I think the community will love! How do I suggest a show?
Great Question! We are always looking for more shows, particularly live shows that are a good fit for our local community. Please reach out to us and outline your idea, including supporting information about the band you recommend, video links and website information, as well as your contact information. We love to partner with the community to co-produce shows and who knows, you may even like it so much that you end up volunteering for our programming committee.
How do I purchase tickets?
We have three different options for ticket purchasing, depending upon the type of show it is. Day of show tickets at the box office, advance tickets online at brownpaperbooks.com or advance sales at one of our local ticket outlets. Individual ticket information is listed in each of the show listings, and you can find more detailed ticket info here.
Do accept credit cards?
The simple answer is no. We do not accept credit cards at the box office, the snack bar or in the upstairs bar. Fortunately there is a nearby ATM at Redwood Credit Union just north of the Arena Theater by the Point Arena Post Office. You can, however, purchase tickets via a credit card with Brown Paper Tickets.